Category Archives: Personal injury

Safety Tips for Removing Snow and Ice this Winter

Homeowners and business owners have a duty of care to remove snow and ice from walkways to prevent winter slip and fall accidents. However, you must be careful when shoveling snow and ice to avoid falling yourself. It is easy to slip and fall as you are trying to clear walkways. Before you begin snow and ice removal this season, read the tips and suggestions below for safe snow and ice removal.

snow plow

Tips for Avoiding Winter Slip and Falls When Clearing Snow and Ice

  • Monitor Weather Conditions –Ice and snow are inevitable winter conditions. However, you can take preventive measures to reduce the amount of shoveling and clearing that you need to perform after a winter storm. Here are some tips for using deicers and anti-icers on sidewalks and driveways from Today’s Homeowner.
  • Wear Anti-Slip Footwear – Never go outside to shovel or clear sidewalks unless you are wearing the proper footwear. A pair of anti-slip shoes or anti-slip overshoes should always be worn when clearing snow and ice to prevent winter slip and fall accidents.
  • Use Warning Signs – As a property owner, you have a duty to maintain the premises in a safe manner. This includes warning visitors and others of potential danger. Use warning signs and floor mats to prevent winter slip and fall accidents.
  • Begin Clearing before the Snow Finishes Falling – You may feel like you are fighting a losing battle; however, if you begin shoveling before the snow finishes falling, you will make the job easier. By keeping the walkway clear during the winter storm, you break the job into a few smaller jobs and, as a result, you will not spend as much time clearing the walkway. You will also not have to work as hard because the snow will not be piled as high each time you shovel.
  • Use Snow Blowers – Using snow blowers and other powered equipment will make your job much easier. Make sure that you follow all manufacturers’ instructions to prevent electric shock and injury.
  • Use a Snow and Ice Removal Service – If you are dealing with a large area or you have a physical impairment that makes shoveling snow difficult or dangerous, consider using a snow and ice removal service. Professionals have equipment to make the job safer and quicker.

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What is safer: Uber, Lyft, or a taxi?

You may have heard a good deal of discussion regarding services like Uber and Lyft, but you may not be aware what these services offer to the public.

What are Uber and Lyft?

Unlike a taxi, the Uber and Lyft services are ride-sharing services that are operated by individuals who do not have any other license or qualifications other than their state driver’s license and a vehicle. Neither service is regulated by local, state, or federal agencies. The ride-sharing service is an alternative to taxis. From an app on your electronic device, you request a ride from one of the independent drivers. A vehicle arrives, you tell the person where you want to go, and the person takes you to that location.

Uber began operating in 2009 and Lyft launched in 2012. Unlike a licensed taxi cab, the drivers are ordinary individuals who want to make extra money by offering their services as a “taxi driver” without the need to be licensed or employed by a licensed taxi company. The company receives a portion of the fee for using their app to request a ride. There are many pros to using a ride-sharing service, such as Uber or Lyft. For instance, you can easily locate a ride by using the app on your phone and the fees are typically less than a taxi ride; however, the rates vary greatly by city and can be very expensive during times of high demand. You pay for the ride directly through the app on your mobile device.

Are there dangers associated with using Uber and Lyft services?

Man standing in streetAs with a taxi, you are getting into the car with a stranger; therefore, that is an inherent risk of using any service. A driver killed a young girl in San Francisco and a driver attacked a passenger with a hammer in San Francisco. While each company may use a variety of screening processes, you do not know how thorough they are and even the best screening process may miss something. With taxi drivers, you would hope that government regulations might make it a little bit safer; however, government regulations fail as well.

One of the most serious risks of riding with an Uber or Lyft driver is getting into a car accident. Both services have come under fire after car accidents caused by Uber and Lyft drivers. Because drivers are “independent contractors,” the company alleges it is not responsible for any damages arising out of a car accident caused by a driver. On the other side of the argument, automobile insurance carriers are denying coverage because drivers are insured for “personal use,” not commercial use.

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Infographic: Colorado Auto Accident Guide

Colorado Auto Accident Guide Infographic

Have you been in a Car Crash? Read our GuideCar crashes are sudden, traumatic, and life changing, especially when you or your family member is injured as a result. At The Law Offices of Dianne L. Sawaya LLC, we aggressively and passionately fight for the people in Denver, Colorado and surrounding areas after they have been injured in an auto accident. We want to be a resource to you–in and out of our office. That is why we provided this car accident guide. Click the infographic to enlarge and read our infographic-guide. If you want to learn more about what you should do after you’ve been in a car accident, read our Denver Car Accident Guide.


Infographic: Understanding Brain Injuries

Brain injury attorney infographicA severe brain injury can happen in an instant and change your life forever. And it doesn’t just affect you, either; it affects the lives of your loved ones and your family members. These traumatic injuries are unpredictable and can happen at any time. Over 2.4 million people each year experience a traumatic brain injury, and 75% of the brain injuries that happen each year are concussions.

The symptoms of brain injuries vary depending on a few factors: injury history, pre-existing conditions, location, severity of trauma. Check out our infographic to learn how the location of the trauma can impact the symptoms you experience.

The most important thing to do after you’ve experienced a head trauma is to seek the proper help. You need a team who understands these injuries and the variables involved. Learn more about the attorneys at The Law Offices of Dianne Sawaya and how our extensive Colorado brain injury law experience is an asset to you during these dire times.

Want to learn more about traumatic brain injuries? Check out the full infographic.

Infographic: Does Everyone Wear their Seatbelt?

seat-belt-usage-sawaya_1434032892531_block_0If you’ve been in a car accident in Denver, Co, the first question people typically ask is, “is everyone okay?” followed quickly by, “was everyone wearing their seatbelt?” While we hope the answers to both of those questions are yes, we know sometimes people forget, or don’t prioritize it when driving. We also know there are some stereotypes attached to who actually wears their seat belts.

When accidents happen, people naturally start to point fingers, and those fingers often end up facing the direction of teenagers. Teens are often classified as reckless, distracted, and irresponsible behind the wheel. Check out this infographic to see where our stereotypes lead us astray in how we think about teens’ safety and seat belts.

If you or someone you know has been in a car accident in Denver, Colorado, contact the experienced lawyers at Dianne Sawaya, LLC to ask your questions. You may be entitled to financial compensation for your lost wages, medical bills, and pain and suffering. Don’t hesitate to call our office for a free consultation.

Want to learn more about teen seatbelt usage? Check out the full infographic.

Bike Safety in Denver, Colorado

Bike Safety in Denver, ColoradoWe all know that Denver, Colorado and the surrounding areas attract some of the most active people in the country. With all of the physical activities that our town has to offer, it is not a surprise that we find our neighbors and acquaintances living a very active lifestyle. One way that we find ourselves and other Denver locals keeping their bodies busy is by riding their bikes, whether as a mode of transportation to get from one place to another or just for recreation. While this activity may be very enjoyable and freeing, it is also very dangerous.

Although many of our streets have bike lanes, making it possible for riders to not share a lane with vehicles, the sheer proximity of the two different types of transportation still creates the possibility of a dangerous atmosphere. One mistake, lapse of judgment, or distraction can immediately put the bicyclist, other bicyclists, pedestrians, and other drivers in danger. Because of the freeing nature of riding a bike, the rider is very vulnerable to outside injuries.

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Why Communication is Important to Us – and You

I had a frustrating experience recently. I was trying to buy an e-book online, and the downloading process didn’t go as smoothly as I would have liked. (I’m sure you’ve had a similar experience, whether it’s with an e-book or any of a thousand other encounters.) I tried to contact the seller for help through their website, but that didn’t go too well. Then I tried to reach a human on the phone. Don’t even ask how that went.

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Golf + Broncos + Open Door = Good Fun

The Law Offices of Dianne Sawaya recently made a donation to the Open Door Youth Gang Alternatives organization run by Rev. Leon Kelly. The donation is in support of his annual golf tournament, a big event each year to raise money to support Open Door.

Rev. Kelly’s organization works with kids at risk of being drawn into the gang life. The program has helped a lot of kids with a lot of potential avoid the detour of gang life that can lead to prison or worse. Open Door works hand-in-hand with the Rev’s other program, Flippin’ the Script, which gives recent parolees the tools and resources to avoid winding up back in prison. They’re both great programs.

The tournament is July 11, and if you’re interested in donating to a this cause, you can play a round at Fossil Trace Golf Club in Golden. It’s a beautiful course, and at a minimum you’ll have fun, get some great eats and even receive a gift. And there are more benes depending on your level of contribution.

Okay, here’s the best benefit. You’ll be rubbing elbows with – maybe even playing with – several former Denver Broncos and other athletic legends from the past.

If you’re interested, check it out at

Heads Up – and Keep Everyone Safe

A few weeks ago I wrote about the rising number of hit-and-run accidents in Denver. People who have hit someone with their car, injuring or killing the victim, and then run away deserve to be caught and punished.

But that’s only part of the story. The number of hit-and-run accidents is a small part of a bigger number of auto-pedestrian crashes overall (which include people walking and those riding bikes). KUSA reports that 15 people lost their lives in auto-pedestrian crashes in Denver in 2013. As of June 1 this year, seven people had already been killed in auto-pedestrian crashes, and another four people have been killed in hit-and-run crashes.

To combat these injuries and deaths, city officials and the Denver Police have proclaimed June as “Heads Up” month. The campaign was launched in May 2013 to encourage commuters to keep their “heads up” and take responsibility for their actions when walking, biking or driving. The program has already proven that it works. By the end of 2013, seven months after last year’s campaign launched, hit-and-run statistics declined to the lowest they had been in three years.

The numbers for 2014 won’t be in until the end of the year, but the trend so far is encouraging. The Law Offices of Dianne Sawaya supports the city’s efforts to reduce auto-pedestrian accidents. We urge you to support the efforts too, and keep your “Heads Up.”


How to Tell if Your Work Injury Will Be Covered by Work Comp

The work comp attorneys at The Law Offices of Dianne Sawaya have seen a lot of injuries over the years.  The Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety recently released a report on the top 10 causes of workplace injuries. They include :

• Overexertion, caused by excessive lifting, pushing, pulling, holding or throwing
• Falls on a level surface, such as slipping or tripping
• Injuries caused by slipping or tripping, but not from falling down
• Being struck by an object, such as a tool falling on you from a worker above you
• Falling down, such as after slipping or tripping
• Incidents while traveling at work
• Caught in or compressed by equipment or objects
• Repetitive motion injuries due to repeated stress or strain
• Assaults or violent acts
There are conditions that must be met for an injury to be covered by work comp, such as a connection between your injury and performing the duties of your job. Colorado workers’ comp law is complicated, though, and the paperwork and deadlines are very strict. It’s important that you contact us right away if you’ve been hurt. We can review your situation and help guide you through all the steps.
If you’ve been hurt in a work accident, you need an attorney who will get you the money you’re entitled to. Give me a call at (303) 758-4777, email me at or visit us on the web at Let’s talk about your case. There’s no cost or obligation. We’ll help you get the money you and your family deserve for the injuries you’ve suffered. And remember: If we take your case, we don’t get paid unless you get paid.