Category Archives: Slip and Fall

What You Need to Know About Slip and Falls

Did you know slip and falls are the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries? How about on average you can lose 11 days of pay because of a slip and fall? Dianne Sawaya, personal injury attorney in Denver Colorado created this visual chart to walk you through what you need to know about slip and falls.

Click on the image below to see the full infographic.

Click the image above to view the infographic.

What do you do if you get in a slip and fall accident in a grocery store?

Bananas in grocery storeIn 2011, the Colorado Supreme Court affirmed a $15 million judgment awarded to a woman who fell at a Greeley Walmart. The superstore had appealed the jury verdict; however, it was upheld by the court. Slip and fall accidents can cause severe, traumatic injuries. You can suffer permanent disability from a slip and fall accident. Therefore, it is in your best interest to know what to do if you slip and fall in any store or commercial setting.

Steps to Take after a Slip and Fall Accident

  1. Seek immediate medical attention. Your health is the most important thing; therefore, seek medical attention immediately after a slip and fall accident regardless of the location. If you cannot move, have someone call for emergency medical services. If you are able to move and you feel your injuries do not require EMS, see your family doctor as soon as possible. Even if you do not believe you are suffering from a serious injury, the aches and pains you feel may be an indication of a much more serious medical condition.
  2. Preserve your clothing and shoes. Put the clothing and shoes you were wearing at the time of the slip and fall accident in a sealed bag for your attorney. This may be needed as evidence in your claim.
  3. Report the accident. Report the slip and fall accident to the property owner and/or manager or supervisor. Request a copy of the written accident report before you leave the store. Obtain the name(s) of all managers and supervisors notified of the slip and fall accident.
  4. Take photographs of the accident scene. If you cannot take photographs, ask someone to take them for you. The store will likely correct the hazardous condition that caused your slip and fall accident; therefore, having pictures of the scene as it was when you fell is very important.
  5. Obtain eyewitness information. If anyone witnessed the fall, ask for names and contact information for each person. Eyewitness testimony is very helpful in a slip and fall case.
  6. Begin a journal. Take photographs of your injuries and begin writing in a journal. Make notes of what doctors say, how the injuries limit your normal activities, your pain level, and your state of mind. This information will help your attorney as he or she begins preparing a settlement offer to present to the store.
  7. Contact a Denver slip and fall attorney immediately. The store’s attorneys and insurance company will begin an investigation immediately to try to mitigate its liability. Their goal is to pay you as little as possible for your slip and fall claim. You need to even the playing field by hiring an experienced slip and fall lawyer who will aggressively pursue the retail store to ensure you receive the maximum compensation allowable under Colorado’s personal injury laws.

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Safety Tips for Removing Snow and Ice this Winter

Homeowners and business owners have a duty of care to remove snow and ice from walkways to prevent winter slip and fall accidents. However, you must be careful when shoveling snow and ice to avoid falling yourself. It is easy to slip and fall as you are trying to clear walkways. Before you begin snow and ice removal this season, read the tips and suggestions below for safe snow and ice removal.

snow plow

Tips for Avoiding Winter Slip and Falls When Clearing Snow and Ice

  • Monitor Weather Conditions –Ice and snow are inevitable winter conditions. However, you can take preventive measures to reduce the amount of shoveling and clearing that you need to perform after a winter storm. Here are some tips for using deicers and anti-icers on sidewalks and driveways from Today’s Homeowner.
  • Wear Anti-Slip Footwear – Never go outside to shovel or clear sidewalks unless you are wearing the proper footwear. A pair of anti-slip shoes or anti-slip overshoes should always be worn when clearing snow and ice to prevent winter slip and fall accidents.
  • Use Warning Signs – As a property owner, you have a duty to maintain the premises in a safe manner. This includes warning visitors and others of potential danger. Use warning signs and floor mats to prevent winter slip and fall accidents.
  • Begin Clearing before the Snow Finishes Falling – You may feel like you are fighting a losing battle; however, if you begin shoveling before the snow finishes falling, you will make the job easier. By keeping the walkway clear during the winter storm, you break the job into a few smaller jobs and, as a result, you will not spend as much time clearing the walkway. You will also not have to work as hard because the snow will not be piled as high each time you shovel.
  • Use Snow Blowers – Using snow blowers and other powered equipment will make your job much easier. Make sure that you follow all manufacturers’ instructions to prevent electric shock and injury.
  • Use a Snow and Ice Removal Service – If you are dealing with a large area or you have a physical impairment that makes shoveling snow difficult or dangerous, consider using a snow and ice removal service. Professionals have equipment to make the job safer and quicker.

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