Am I Causing Problems for the Other Person by Filing a Personal Injury Claim Against Them?
Home > FAQ > Am I Causing Problems for the Other Person by Filing a Personal Injury Claim Against Them?
Colorado Personal Injury Team
No. Most people don’t generally set out to intentionally cause an accident and harm another person. In the case of an accident (as opposed to an “on-purpose”), that’s what the other person’s insurance is for. If they are found to be at fault for causing an accident that injures you, they will most likely not have to pay personally—their insurance policy will pay for your injuries.
However, no matter the circumstances, you deserve financial compensation after you have been injured due to the negligence of another individual. This accident was not your fault, so you should not have to suffer any more than you already have. Your medical bills, time off of work, and pain and suffering should be compensated. While you may be worried about how the other person is affected by this compensation, the main thing that you should be worried about is your health. Call the Law Offices of Dianne L. Sawaya, LLC today to move forward in this personal injury process.