Do I Need a Personal Injury Attorney?
When someone first calls The Law Offices of Dianne L. Sawaya LLC after a car accident, it’s often the same question: “How can you help me?”
If you or a loved one have been hurt in an auto accident, you may think at some point after the crash, “I can fix this on my own.” While this is a bold stance, you may not fully understand the complex nature of personal injury law. Not only can an experienced Denver personal injury attorney explain your legal options in depth, they can guide you through the process.
Respected in the Denver Medical Community
Through our dedicated work for our clients, as well as our success in the personal injury field, our team has garnered a level of respect in the Denver medical community that we are quite proud of. If you choose The Law Offices of Dianne L. Sawaya LLC to help you after a car accident, our attorneys can get you in touch with the doctors and specialists you need to help begin the healing process.
We truly care about your health—both physical and mental—after a car accident injury. Our auto accident lawyers believe you shouldn’t haven’t to worry about finding competent medical help, or how you’re going to pay medical bills if you’re unable to work because of your injuries. Not only have we built solid relationships with Denver medical professionals, we’ll fight to get the compensation your deserve for your injuries.
Communication is Key
The last thing you want to do while trying to recover from a car accident injury is field phone calls from your health and auto insurers. As your representatives, we’ll be in contact with your insurance company so you can focus on what’s important—healing. We will also contact your doctors and other medical professionals linked to your care to gather the documents you’ll need to process a personal injury claim in Colorado.
As you’re likely already aware, the largest frustration you can face after an accident is the lack of answers. More than anything, our Denver personal injury lawyers can provide you with peace of mind, addressing your concerns head on with honest and detailed explanations. We will be accessible to you and your family, guiding you during a difficult time.
Fighting for the Compensation You Need—and Deserve
The biggest fear you likely face is that of money. How will I pay for my medical bills? How much will my insurance company cover? How can I even keep the lights on if I can’t work? How will my family make ends meet?
Here’s the truth: you need to get better, listen to your doctors, and take time to improve your health. That’s hard to bear as the bills pile up, we know, but that’s where we come in to help.
If you’re experiencing an injury from a car accident in Colorado, you can seek financial compensation to pay for medical bills and more. Our experienced Denver auto accident attorneys fight for fair compensation that is going to help you and your family. We will seek compensation for:
- Medical bills
- Medical mileage expenses
- Out of pocket expenses
- Future medical expenses
- Emotional distress
- Past and future pain and suffering
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- Past and future lost income
- Physical impairment
Next, we’ll discuss auto insurance policies, and how to understand if you’re covered for your accident. Click the button below to move on to the next page of our Denver Auto Accident Guide.