What Should I Know About My Case Before My Free Consultation?
Home > FAQ > What Should I Know About My Case Before My Free Consultation?
Colorado Personal Injury Team
At your free, no-obligation consultation, we will ask you questions designed to give us a good idea of what happened, what your injuries are and what medical treatment you’ve received. Elsewhere on our website, we have several forms we use when we first open a case. Looking at those forms can give you an idea of the information needed for our first meeting. The forms include questions about insurance policies and claims numbers for the accident, police reports, information about the other driver and more. If you contact us through the “Do I Have a Case?” box on this page, it’s helpful if you can summarize for us what happened, where and when it happened, whether the police came to the accident, the nature of the injuries you sustained and if you were taken to the hospital. You can also add any other details you think might be helpful for us to talk about.
Many people find themselves feeling anxious during the time leading up to their consultation. At The Law Offices of Dianne L. Sawaya, we make this as easy and stress-free as possible. Having a consultation is the first step to financial compensation, so it should be an exciting time for you, not a stressful one. Call us today to get started.